Change Data is not working as expected

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Change Data is not working as expected

Post by joleenf »


GOES-16 Image data is at
AMV data is at

Load Data
1.1) Load C02 data
1.2) Display C02 data at a reduced resolution
1.3) In the Field Selector: Right-click on the C02 dataset and select "Change Data"
1.4) Select the C13 data from the data chooser window.

On my mac, the display reloads, but the data endpoints are wrong.

Fix the data endpoints
2.1) Navigate to the Legend Panel in the Main Display Window. Right Click on color table for the displayed layer.
2.2) Select "Change Range"
2.3) Select the Use Predefined --> From All Data
2.4) Click "OK"

This does not work correctly for me, there seems to be a poor connection between this window and the min/max of the new data.

Try Something Else
3.1) In the Legend Panel, right-click on the layer legend name and select File --> Reload Data

This does not update the endpoints.

Manually update the endpoints
4.1) Repeat steps 2.1-2.2, however, enter a min of 180 and a max of 320

That workflow seems to be okay.

5.) In the Main Toolbar, click the "Remove All Layers and Data" icon.

Load AMV Point Data
6.1) In the Data Chooser navigate to the expanded tar file. Select the 5 minute AMV winds and select a DataType of "netCDF/GEMPAK Point Data Files"
6.2) Display a "Point Data Plot"
6.3) In the Field Selector: Right-click on the amv dataset and select "Change Data"
6.4) Select a different amv file.

For me, nothing happens. On a windows box, there seems to be a pause which makes it appear the data will change, but the data change fails.

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Re: Change Data is not working as expected

Post by jayh »

Hi Joleen-

Thanks for the Change Data report. I was able to reproduce all of these issues on my machine as well. I wrote inquiry #2741 for evaluation.

Thanks, Jay

p.s. I did have some issues using the AMV files, Bob is going to look into them further.
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Re: Change Data is not working as expected

Post by bobc »

Hi Joleen,

I've been testing out your AMV files, and I'm getting Change Data to work as expected. For example, see this animated GIF. I first loaded in the *30min* file, captured an image, then changed the data to *15min*, *10min*, and *05min* files. You'll see that the wind barbs update each time:

One thing that I did notice is that there are several different variables in the file for speed, direction, and u/v wind components in these files. To create my layout model, I used "Wind_Speed" and "Wind_Dir" as the variables in my layout model. I found that some of the speed/direction variables don't appear to change from time to time. At first, I tried using some of the variables that don't change between the files, and it gave the illusion that the display wasn't updating since the data itself didn't change.

If this doesn't seem to be the cause of your problem, could you please let me know how you're creating your layout model and what variables you're using? I've checked this on a Windows 7 machine thus far. I'll give OS X a try now to see if the behavior is consistent.

Bob Carp
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Re: Change Data is not working as expected

Post by joleenf »

Hi Bob,

I am confirming that on my machine using the same variables. Could you right click on the label in the field selector to verify that the label name changes appropriately in the field selector? At this point, it looks like the label updates properly in the display label and legend. However, in the Field Selector data properties, the properties tab does not update correctly. Yet, if the "Details" tab is selected, the file information is correct.

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Re: Change Data is not working as expected

Post by bobc »

Hi Joleen,

Yes, I am replicating this on Windows and OS X. Is this the only issue you're seeing with this, or is the data itself not updating? From my testing, the Name of the data source (in the Properties tab of the Properties window of the data source) isn't updating correctly, but everything else appears to be, including the actual data itself.

I'm testing this with today's nightly.

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Re: Change Data is not working as expected

Post by joleenf »

Hi Bob,

I checked again, and it does seem that the only problem with the amv files is that the name does not update correctly. I briefly checked adding a filter on the median pressure and color by median pressure just to make sure the display updated properly with those constraints and that seems to be working as well. The other problem I am seeing is with GOES-16 data. It was a slightly different issue with Change Data. Were you able to replicate that?

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Re: Change Data is not working as expected

Post by bobc »

Hi Joleen,

Thanks for clarifying this. I wrote up fixing this as Inquiry 2742.

I haven't yet looked at your ABI data. Jay mentioned that he was able to replicate your ABI bugs and wrote everything up in Inquiry 2741. I'll give these files a look myself as well to make sure we're not missing anything.

Thanks again,
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Re: Change Data is not working as expected

Post by bobc »

Hi Joleen,

I'm replicating the problem with the ABI data. I have a feeling that what's going on is that band 2 has a CMI field for "ABI L2+ Cloud and Moisture Imagery reflectance factor", whereas band 13 has a CMI field for "ABI L2+ Cloud and Moisture Imagery brightness temperature". After displaying band 2 data and then changing the data to band 13, the longname macro of the layer in the display is still "* reflectance factor", so something seems to be getting lost there. I noticed that I was able to get at the min/max values of the data through the Jython Shell and update the enhancement range to match the data values with:

Code: Select all

abiLayer = activeDisplay().getLayer(1)
abiData = activeDisplay().getLayer(1).getData()
abiStats = Statistics(abiData[0])
abiMin = float(str(abiStats.min()))
abiMax = float(str(abiStats.max()))
abiLayer.setEnhancement('default', range=(abiMin,abiMax))

This assumes (based on the getLayer(1)), that you only have one data layer displayed. I pull the min/max values from the data object, change the values from a visad.Real to a float, and then set the enhancement and range. I understand that this isn't ideal to jump back/forth between the Jython Shell and the Main Display window, but this is the only workaround I have to get the min/max values until the inquiry is addressed.

If you have any other questions or comments about this, please let me know.

Thanks again,
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Re: Change Data is not working as expected

Post by bobc »

Hi again Joleen,

I found an easier way of getting the enhancement range to update after changing the data source that doesn't involve using the Jython Shell:

  1. After changing the data source, right-click on the blue text of the layer in the Legend and choose "Edit > Change Parameter"
  2. In the Field Selector window that appears, choose the band 13 "ABI L2+ Cloud and Moisture Imagery brightness temperature" field
  3. Right-click on the enhancement and choose "Change Range"
  4. In the Change Range window, click the "Use Predefined" button, choose "Default Range", and click OK

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