McIDAS-V has closed unexpectedly

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McIDAS-V has closed unexpectedly

Post by kbedka1 »

On a basis more frequently than I would expect, I wake my Mac laptop up from sleep and soon see the window with the error message above. I'd say about every 3rd day this happens to me. Sometimes this happens randomly as well, not related to sleep. I am using the latest nightly build and I was not pushing the memory use to the limit. I see no pattern for why this would happen other than the fact that it happens more upon awaking from sleep. Has anyone else observed this within the development team?
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Re: McIDAS-V has closed unexpectedly

Post by jayh »

Hi Kris-

We haven't seen or heard of this behavior previously. Bob has been trying replicate the problem on OS X with the sleep timer set to 1 minute. He tried several different things in the sessions, such as working with multiple tabs/windows and having long loops playing, but he's been unable to get the problem to occur.

We will get the programmer's thoughts on this shortly, but for now we had a couple of questions:

What version of OS X are you using?
Is there any more information with the error, such as a log?
Can you send your mcidasv.log file from a session that ended unexpectedly to us?
If your logging isn't set to TRACE (from the Advanced Preferences) then set at that level. The next time the session crashes, send us the log file.
Any log files elsewhere such as your McIDAS-V or McIDAS-V-System directories?

It's possible that something is being written to the log. Let us know when you get a chance to send them and we'll take a look. If we get any other ideas from the programmers, we'll pass those along as well.

Thanks, Jay
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Re: McIDAS-V has closed unexpectedly

Post by kbedka1 »

Conveniently, it happened again right now as I switched the log level to TRACE and clicked apply. My computer has been up and running for quite a bit this morning, so it wasn't related to the sleep issue. It is a very difficult problem to reproduce.

I am using OS X 10.11.6, but it had happened regularly with previous OS X versions too. I attached the McIDAS-V log and the detailed log info that would have been "sent to Apple" available via the McIDAS-V has closed unexpectedly window.
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Re: McIDAS-V has closed unexpectedly

Post by bobc »

Thanks for the log files, Kris. The next time McIDAS-V closes unexpectedly, could you go to the Console and search for any references to java? You can get to the console by clicking the magnifying glass on the top toolbar and entering "console". This should default to looking at "All Messages" in the left panel of the window. In the upper right corner of this Console window, there is a text field where you can search for a string of text. Search for "java" (without the quotes) and see if there are any mentions of it. If there are, please send us the relevant text. If there aren't any mentions of it, please let us know that as well.

Thanks again -
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Re: McIDAS-V has closed unexpectedly

Post by kbedka1 »

This just happened to me, I clicked the open a new tab button and the software crashed. Here is the console message about java
8/8/17 10:18:56.710 AM ReportCrash[9878]: Saved crash report for java[7619] version 1.0 (1.0) to /Users/kbedka/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/java_2017-08-08-101856_LASLA17041003.crash

Attached is my log file.
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Re: McIDAS-V has closed unexpectedly

Post by bobc »

Hi Kris -

Can you please send us the java_2017-08-08-101856_LASLA17041003.crash file referenced in the Console?

After discussing this some more with our group, one of our programmers had issues similar to yours a while back on an OS X laptop and it was due to hardware in his machine going bad. We are wondering if you have a technical computing group that can verify your machine's hardware is performing correctly.

Thanks for helping with troubleshooting this -
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Re: McIDAS-V has closed unexpectedly

Post by kbedka1 »

here is the file you requested. The computer is brand new so it is very unlikely I am having hardware problems. I have no problems with no other software. This type of problem had occurred on my previous laptop as well as my new one, so I am skeptical that the hardware is causing it.
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Re: McIDAS-V has closed unexpectedly

Post by bobc »

Hi Kris -

Thanks for your log file. I've sent this off to our programmer. I see from your first post on this topic that you are using the nightly. By chance, do you remember if you saw this problem of McIDAS-V closing in the last stable 1.6 release?

Thanks -
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Re: McIDAS-V has closed unexpectedly

Post by kbedka1 »

I've remembered this happening throughout my entire time of using McIDAS-V.
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Re: McIDAS-V has closed unexpectedly

Post by kbedka1 »

I am still experiencing crashes with Mc-V with the recent Version 1.7 release.

The pattern of behavior is that an existing session is using ~4+ Gb of memory, the session has been minimized for quite a while (12+ hours), I bring the Mc-V display window up after a long time of downtime, I see my display for about a second, and then all Mc-V windows disappear as the software crashes.
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