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wrongly ordered VIIRS couple upsets area chooser

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:45 pm
by hproe
Hi -

This is about area selection in two adjacent VIIRS granules with the area chooser. Looks like the order in which the granules are listed in the file selector determines the correct/bad behaviour of the area chooser. If the two files to be selected are listed in chronological order, i.e. the date/time information in the file names (*npp*d*t*) is increasing, then the area chooser works as expected. This always happens when you select the files straight from the file chooser (either in List or Details view).

However, when you are fiddling around in the List view and the file pair gets than listed in inverted order (date/time running backward) then the area chooser is corrupted like

I agree that choosing VIIRS granules from a time-inverted file list sounds a bit exotic, but in my case it makes sense. Anyway, I will now be able to correct for in the future, but I would still call it a bug. Wouldn't it be better to rely on the metadata of the granules, and not on files names, to determine the correct granule sequence?

cheers, HP

Re: wrongly ordered VIIRS couple upsets area chooser

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:30 pm
by bobc
Hi HP -

Thanks for reporting this, I'm replicating it on my machine. It does appear that McIDAS-V is using the time information contained in the file names, which is why the preview and the display don't work well when they are modified in a way that the granules appear to be in the reversed order. I wrote this up as Inquiry 2265.

Thanks again -
Bob Carp

Re: wrongly ordered VIIRS couple upsets area chooser

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 4:04 pm
by bobc
Hi HP -

I just wanted to follow up with you and let you know that code changes have been made that allow you to aggregate reversed-order granules as long as they are time-consecutive. If you give this a look and have any concerns, please let me know.

Also, one of our users was wondering if you can think of any practical reasons to switch between the List and Details view in the Suomi NPP chooser. It's been suggested that this chooser should allow for only the 'List' option to avoid any other unknown complications that may exist with the 'Details' view. This option of switching between 'List' and 'Details' would still be available in all of the other local choosers.

Thanks -

Re: wrongly ordered VIIRS couple upsets area chooser

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 7:05 pm
by hproe
Hi Bob -

Thanks for the update. Yes, the new code changes allow for the aggregation reversed-order granules as long as they are time-consecutive.

About the List/Detail view. Maybe be I am voice out of the choir, but I prefer the Details view. The main reason is that I maintain a rather large folder of VIIRS granules, and that I usually access the granules by order date, i.e. by the 'Date modified' column. I admit this looks rather unorthodox.