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1.5beta2 resets some Preferences to default at start-up

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:40 am
by hproe
Hi -

1.5beta2 of 2014-06-29 at start-up displays 'Wireframe Box' and opts for writing 'Times in Panel', although both items have not been checked in Preferences > Display Window. Other preferences that differ from the default settings appear to be okay. This misbehaviour is observed under Windows 7 and 8.1.

cheers, HP

Re: 1.5beta2 resets some Preferences to default at start-up

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:25 pm
by Rick
Hi HP.

I was able to reproduce your problem when updating from a 1.5beta2 compiled on 27-June to 1.5beta2 compiled on 30-June. However, after I updated the preferences a second time (using just the build from 30-June), I found that the preferences were stored correctly. If you see the problem persist, let us know.


Re: 1.5beta2 resets some Preferences to default at start-up

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:22 am
by hproe
Hi Rick -

I do not completely understand your remark about updating the preferences. My preferences are always correctly stored, when I inspect them at start-up. However, the wireframe box times in panel do not reflected their preference settings. I tried to redo the preference settings, but this does not help. The problem persists through the recent builds (now 2014-07-01)

Re: 1.5beta2 resets some Preferences to default at start-up

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:34 pm
by Rick
Hi HP,

Here's what I tried to try to reproduce your problem.

removed my McIDAS-V directory.
Fresh install of McIDAS-V 1.4
start McIDAS-V
edit->preferences->display window-> uncheck show wire frame box

restart McIDAS-V 1.4, wire frame box was off and the option under preferences was unchecked.

install McIDAS-V 1.5beta1
start McIDAS-V
wire frame box was off and the option under preferences was unchecked

install McIDAS-V 1.5beta2
start McIDAS-V
wire frame box was off and the option under preferences was unchecked

Do you think this is a good test of your problem? There may be some combination of options that are creating the problem, so this simple test might not be sufficient.


Re: 1.5beta2 resets some Preferences to default at start-up

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:10 am
by hproe
Hi Rick -

I remove the McIDAS-V directory, do a fresh start in a 1.5beta2, uncheck the wireframe box, exit ther session. On restart the wireframe box is off and unchecked in the Preferences. So, this is okay and matches your findings. I can also redo all my other changes to the Preference and everything still looks good.

The problem only appears when I call the file default.mcv (attached) by checking the box 'Load default layout' under the Advanced tab: the box is displayed at start-up, and I have to re-apply the Preferences to get rid of it. Looking into the code in layout.mcv I see two instances where the wirframe box is set to 'false'. What is going on here?

cheers, HP

Re: 1.5beta2 resets some Preferences to default at start-up

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:01 pm
by Rick
Hi HP,

Thanks for the update. Yesterday, we found the same problem with other bundles. I wrote up Inquiry 1768 to address the problem.


Re: 1.5beta2 resets some Preferences to default at start-up

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:53 pm
by Rick
Hi HP,

We did a little more testing and if you create a default layout (layout.mcv) in 1.5beta1, it works correctly in 1.5beta2. You could use this as a temporary fix. Both 1.5beta1 and 1.5beta2 area available to download. Just for your information, bundles created with 1.5beta2 contain duplicated lines defining properties.


Re: 1.5beta2 resets some Preferences to default at start-up

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:58 pm
by hproe
Hi Rick -

Sorry, I do not quite understand. My default.mcv is dated 2012-11-28, i.e. it comes from the pre-1.5 epoch. Why should I re-create in 1.5beta1?


Re: 1.5beta2 resets some Preferences to default at start-up

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:09 pm
by bobc
Hi HP -

Sorry for the delay on this. We were able to replicate your problem. It was written up as Inquiry 1768, which has passed testing on all platforms here after a couple of code changes. Can you please pick up a new 1.5beta2 nightly and let us know if you still see the problem with your default.mcv?

Thanks -
Bob Carp

Re: 1.5beta2 resets some Preferences to default at start-up

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:45 pm
by hproe
Awully sorry, I forgot to report back. Everything is fine aleady for many builds. For me the issue is closed.