display label missing

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display label missing

Post by kbedka1 »

I had worked quite a while to display an assortment of data in multiple panels. I was just about complete, with only one more display label that required editing. See the lower left panel in my display. I edited the label but it simply will not appear on my display no matter what I do. Change color, font, check show display list on and off, etc..., nothing will make it appear. The display is not nearly as meaningful with one of the panels having no legend. Unfortunately 30-45 mins spent without a useable end product. This is not the only time this has happened and it seems to be related to labels with multiple panel displays perhaps with large data volume (120 frames of lightning and satellite data). Is there a way to manually add a label so that I can still make use of the displays I put together?

I am using the nightly build from 26 April on a Mac. I cannot provide all the input datasets I used, simply too much diverse data.
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Re: display label missing

Post by barryr »

Hi Kris,
Sorry to hear that the label is not appearing. Thanks for the observation that it may be related to labels with multiple panel displays perhaps with large data volume. We will do some more research into the issue, but in the short term you asked about manually adding a label. Will the Drawing Controls work for you?

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Re: display label missing

Post by bobc »

Hi Kris -

Thanks for reporting this bug. I've been able to replicate it on Windows and OS X. I wrote this up as Inquiry 2334. I've tried about everything I can think of to get the missing layer label to appear in the panel, but I haven't come up with anything. The only workaround I have is to create a new 4-panel display and use the drag and drop feature to move your layers from the tab with the bad panel to the new tab. Here's a description of how to go about doing that:

To make things easier, I renamed my tabs to TAB 1 and TAB 2. To do this, I double-clicked on the tab in the Main Display and entered the new tab names in the Rename Tab window:

From here, go to the Data Explorer window to use the drag and drop functionality:

Here's a description of how use drag and drop:
  1. From step 1 in the above image, select the first layer in the first panel of the broken tab (TAB1>Panel 1).
  2. From step 2 in the above image, left-click on the "Drag and drop to a window component" hand icon at the bottom of the screen.
  3. From step 3 in the above image, with the left mouse button still held down, move your mouse over TAB2>Panel 1 and release the mouse button. This moves the layer from panel 1 of tab 1 to panel 1 of tab 2.
  4. Repeat step 3 for the remaining layers.

One thing to note about this drag and drop functionality is that it maintains the projection of the panel you are adding the layer to. For example, if the new panel is in the world projection, it will remain in the world projection once the layer is moved there. I was able to get this method to work when a panel in the first tab wouldn't show any layer labels. After everything was moved to the second tab, all of the layer labels were visible.

If you give this drag and drop method a test, please let me know if it works.

Thanks again -
Bob Carp
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Re: display label missing

Post by kbedka1 »

I had no idea of this drag and drop method. I'll give it a try soon. Note that the color bar is also lost in the process I described. For now I used the draw freely method to accomplish my goal, which was a bit of an effort due to some challenges with the text box functionality, but I got something that was acceptable.
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Re: display label missing

Post by barryr »

Just an fyi that the "operation order matters" thread is likely related to (or maybe the same as) this issue.
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