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alternative 4-D data structures

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:20 pm
by kbedka1
There is strong desire to allow for 4-D data fields in a NetCDF, examples are temperature(latitude,longitude, time, spectral band) or cloud_amount(latitude,longitude, time, cloud type). These are not supported currently in Mc-V, but there are situations where 4-D data makes more sense than a litany of 3-D variables. The 4th dimension could act as a pseudo-band....when one loads the file into the data chooser, the band selector in the lower right could have the cloud types instead of just a band number.

Re: alternative 4-D data structures

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:38 pm
by jessica.braun
Hi Kris,

This has been written up in an inquiry:
