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How do I speed up the time animation capturing feature?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 2:20 am
by Rammasun
Hello to all,

I use MCIDAS-V for displaying and recording large satellite loops, and I've run into a problem. Every time I record with the time animation feature, it takes an image at a slow rate (1.5 s). I have tried to speed it up using the controls, but nothing changes. Is there a way to speed it up? Thanks!

Re: How do I speed up the time animation capturing feature?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 1:10 pm
by bobc

Thanks for your question about animation capturing speed. The way that McIDAS-V captures animations is by doing a screen shot of each frame before moving to the next. This process takes a bit of time and does not use the dwell rates specified in the Time Animation Widget. I wrote up Inquiry 3110 for us to investigate if it's possible to speed up this process.

Thanks again, and please let us know if you have any further questions or comments about McIDAS-V.

Bob Carp
McIDAS User Services

Re: How do I speed up the time animation capturing feature?

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 5:39 pm
by Rammasun
Hello again,

I am wondering if the speed could possibly be changed in the code of McIDAS. Is it somewhere in my computer, if so, how would I get to it? I've looked in the main folder for McIDAS, but I don't know which file would contain the code relating to capturing the images.

Re: How do I speed up the time animation capturing feature?

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 2:26 pm
by bobc

The image you shared is the McIDAS-V directory. This directory doesn't contain any code, but things like user preferences, formulas, color enhancements, etc. that you would want retained as you update McIDAS-V versions. The directory where McIDAS-V was installed to (called McIDAS-V-System by default) is where the code lives. The code is spread between multiple jar files, but the McIDAS-V specific code is contained in McIDAS-V-System/lib/mcidasv-1.9-SNAPSHOT.jar.

The easiest way to modify code and run with your changes would be to clone the McIDAS-V code from GitHub ( This source code could be added to an IDE (such as inteilliJ or Eclipse), you could edit the code, and then run the software with your changes. Another option would be to download the source code from the Downloads page, edit the files with a text editor, and run McIDAS-V with your changes with Ant. This process is defined on the Building McIDAS-V from Source page of the User's Guide.

Please let us know if you have any further questions about this.
